Leadership Vision
I am at a time in my life where there has been a lot of change and uncertainty. I do not know exactly where I will end up, but I am enjoying the flexibility of uncertainty. Through this flexibility, I have learned a lot about myself, the values I want to embody, and my goals as a leader. One such goal is becoming an industry leader through incorporating my values of sustainability, adventure, and ambition, to empower those who follow me and create change.
Sustainability has been a consistent part of my life, but it has become something that I have put more focus on in recent years. I am currently pursuing a minor in Global Sustainability Leadership which highlights sustainability in business and how that contributes to business longevity and environmental health. As someone who has spent much of my life outside, passion for the environment is not new to me. I do not want my generation’s mistakes and ignorance to be something the next generation must solve and fix. Therefore, I am currently pursuing a career in sustainability marketing. I am blending my passion with my ability to communicate effectively and create solutions based in data.
Secondly, I have always strived for adventure. In fact, adventure has been a consistent value in life since I was young. Adventure accounts for my love to travel, to take risks, to step out of my comfort zone, and my inability to stay stagnant. My value for adventure is most likely what has contributed to my switch away from Theatre, an industry I had spent most of my life in until a few years ago. I was ready for something new that was challenging and impactful. Additionally, my creativity and problem-solving also stems from my love for adventure. As a perfectionist, I understand how limiting life is when one does not make room for mistakes. However, I have found that adventures do not happen without mistakes. Therefore, I have utilized my value for adventure to break me out of perfection. By doing so, I have learned how to think on my feet and come up with solutions rapidly. This skill has become extraordinarily handy due to my experience in the fast-paced environment of events and entertainment. I have had to make quick decisions where the consequences are unknown. I may not make the right choice; however I will always learn from it. I lean into the exploration of those mistakes to make a better decision next time. That exploration is a fundamental piece of the problem-solving and innovation.
Lastly, I am competitive, and I utilize competition to motivate me to my goals and shape my ambition. I often find that tapping into another person’s competitive side is one of the best ways to foster growth and ambition. Competition and ambition work closely with one another. Competition creates a goal to drive towards. Ambition is the motivator. As a result, I have learned to compete with myself to be a better colleague, friend, and person. I have become extraordinarily good at setting goals and accomplishing them. For example, I had never taken an Excel course nor knew anything other than a few basics, but I knew that knowledge would give me a competitive edge. I spent that two weeks learning how to code on excel. My ambitious goal was beneficial because afterwards I was able to help my company transition to a complete digital inventory system I built. I was only part-time assistant. However, I do want to keep in mind that competition can be harmful, and therefore as a leader I will make sure that my team competes in a way that does not generate jealousy or harm. We should compete as a single unit to be better than we were yesterday and a better team than our competitors.
In addition to my values, I aspire to be a more adaptable leader that leads in the sweet ranges between different leadership types. I would be able to better understand and meet the needs of my team, thus increasing our productivity and ability to create change. I think versatility is extraordinarily important in a leader. I have often been described as a servant leader, but I would also like to be described as a transformative leader as well. Furthermore, being able to adapt my leadership styles will also help me adapt my communication styles. Having leadership versatility increases the likelihood that I motivate my followers and guide them to grow further and find their potential.